This may be my post of all posts! More photos than you care to see, I’m sure, but I’m super excited to announce that the kitchen renovation is finally complete!
Let me take you back to the beginning. . Ugh!!!
There were way too many walls in the way to get a true look at the layout. But here’s where we started…

Now some “putting it back together” photos……

And paint going on the walls…..


This kitchen, while it was my worst nightmare in the beginning, has turned out to be the kitchen of my dreams! With a gas cooktop, floor to ceiling cabinetry, and an open view directly into the “TV room”, it has surpassed my expectations! I have always had vision of myself standing in the kitchen, cooking food, hanging out with my family, looking to my right and seeing beautiful floor to ceiling windows, and looking to my left and watching the wood burning fireplace roar with flames! It has all come true!! I’m so glad I can share this with all my friends and followers!


This week has flown by. I have had some guests at the Knoll and it has made my week brighter! It’s been therapy for me!
We’ve crossed another milestone this week. The electricians have completed their work on the inside of the house. They’ve become like family around here. It’s bittersweet to see them go but it’s also another major accomplishment to have this part of the project behind us.
I brought a coffee table into the house from the garage today…the first piece of real furniture. It was here, underneath all of this rubble from day one.

I polished it up and put it here for now.


Ahhhh…this has been a good day.

Master Bath

I think it’s time to give a little update on the Knoll.
Now that the holidays are over, I’m back at it….full throttle!
I was looking back through my photos last week. It’s fun to see the change and I thought I’d share it with you.
This is the day I started tearing down the ceiling in, what now is, the master bathroom
There were thousands of ants that fell down on me that day!…I was covered! It was awful!!!!

And the smell….I can’t describe it.

Well, here we are today. We’ve come a long way baby!

There are a couple of more things to finish out. Vanity mirrors and lights and then I can call this room done…other than decorative things that will be fun down the road.
I’ll update more soon! 🙂


I am so amazed at what a success last week’s sale was! My little shoppe is almost empty!! That’s good, because I am in such a mood for spring cleaning lately! Thank you, shoppers, for helping me clear out so I can bring in some new goodies!

I almost feel like you all did such a good job cleaning me out, that I may just need to make another trip to Chicago soon! For those of you who don’t know, that’s where I get most of my items for the shoppe. And I just love every minute of going through little shops of downtown Chicago and hand-picking each item I put in there!

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I get so inspired there! With all the history and architecture, it’s truly a site to behold. And, of course, the food isn’t bad, either!!

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Oh, how thankful I am to have an excuse to go back there! Thanks again, everyone!!

Contrete project

There have been many many things going on at the renovation house! We’ve been waiting on our countertops to come in…which means the kitchen is at a standstill. So, the last week or so I’ve taken on the task of cleaning out the basement and trying to come up with an inexpensive way to make it function.

The floors! Oh my word! They are terrible! This has been on my mind for awhile…that whole laying mortar plan….can it work? Don’t know…will it last? Don’t know. Is it worth a try? For sure!

I have a pretty good idea of the ratio if you ever want to give this project a whirl.

1. You’re going to want to mix about two parts mortar mix to one part water….about the consistency of pancake batter. I just used old paint buckets to scoop out the portions, and a 5 gallon bucket to mix it. (Note: Make sure you pour the water in first, then add about half a paint bucket full of mortar. Then, a little at a time, continue mixing in mortar until it’s about the consistency you’re looking for.)


Then just spread with a concrete trowel. I had the best luck when I used the windshield wiper motion, but you really just want to make sure it’s evenly spread. And remember, imperfections can create character!

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I’m still waiting for them to throughly dry then I will seal them. It’s A LOT of tiresome work…but if I can cover 1300 square feet for under $100 and put some area rugs down, it’s worth the ibuprofen, dread and grouchies.

I’ll have to give you an update over time to let you know if this really worked.
Here’s hoping that my crippled knees and back didn’t waste their time!

Warmer Days

Once the holidays are over, I can’t help but jump into the thoughts of warmer days. I know that winter has barely begun, but we do get some beautiful spring-like, sunny days periodically in January and February. It’s fun! It breaks it up a bit!
I saw this as I was reading nail polish trends for spring of 2015

2015/01/img_0707.pnghmmm, I’m going to need to have this grow on me. I may like it eventually, but my first impression is that it’s not for me.
I will be more likely to continue this spring trend.

2015/01/img_0703.pngThe flesh tones are always great!
It looks like we will also be seeing striking shades of classic red

2015/01/img_0704.pngI do like this a lot!
This gets me excited for a manicure and pedicure! Hopefully, soon!

Don’t forget, everything in the shoppe is 50% off through Saturday! (excluding must haves and candles)


Starting tomorrow, January 10, 2015 thru next Saturday, January 17, 2015, EVERYTHING in the store (except for the must-haves and the candles) will be 50% off in order to make room for new inventory!!!

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There’s so much to choose from! Don’t forget, this sale is only for 1 week, so hurry in!!

Twenty Fifteen

I know I should be all wrapped up in resolutions for the new year, but I just can’t quit thinking about 2014 and all the changes it brought…

First, in January, my wonderful baby grandson, Finnegan Bear Butler was born…

What joy this little man has brought us through the entire year last year!

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Along with a grandson last year, I also gained an amazing daughter-in-law, whom I could not love more if she were my own flesh and blood!

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Shortly after this, I found this gem…

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And through blood, sweat, and tears, it almost is a gem… almost!

What an incredible year 2014 was!! I can only hope 2015 holds just as many joys as last year!!!


This may be silly to write about, but our neighbor is the sweetest little man you would ever meet. He actually lives just across the street, and he actually moved there once we bought Novelyn Knoll, because he lived in it before we bought it…. for 11 years…. 2 of which were without plumbing!! Yes, Bilbo is quite a character to say the least!

He shouts out “good to see you” to us every chance he gets. He’s always out in the yard doing some form of yard work. He even offered to do our yard work for us, because he says it keeps him in shape. What a sweet soul!

Bilbo walks everywhere…he doesn’t have a car… so we will see him walking around town routinely. He says he enjoys the exercise, so we leave him alone. He also has a cat that he inherited when he moved into his new home. He has explained to me before that the cat will always try to follow him whenever he walks away. So, Bilbo has to try to trick the cat into thinking he’s not going anywhere. I was able to witness the distraction process late yesterday afternoon and it was more than entertaining!

First Bilbo tried to feed the cat some food in his yard and then while the cat was eating it, he slipped away into the street to start his journey. He has a hunched back and a crooked walk, but was still attempting to tiptoe away, if you can imagine that. He kept stopping every so often to look back and make sure the cat was still distracted, and it was. Once Bilbo was out of sight, I caught a glimpse of the cat taking off down the road, and then a few minutes later, Bilbo reappeared. At this point, he grabbed his rake and began raking leaves in his yard and looking over his shoulder to see if the cat was distracted. Either the cat didn’t buy it, or Bilbo forgot that he was only distracting the cat, because he continued raking leaves for about an hour or so…and then it was dark. I have no idea what happened after that. Haha!

When Bilbo first moved across the street, I told him how glad I was that he was going to be able to stay around and be our neighbor. He said he was very excited too, and he also expressed some relief because he would now be able to continue checking on the elderly woman next door. Every morning after breakfast, he walks over to her house, and knocks at the door. He waits until he hears her call out to him, and then says, “Okay, I was just checking on you.” What a heart of gold!

There are few things in life more precious than watching someone care so whole-heartedly for others, whether it’s a pet or a person next door. I would not choose another neighbor for the world!!!

Let’s get SOMETHING finished, please!!

I feel like I’ve been under a spell or something the last few days at Novelyn Knoll. Everything is almost done there, but there are SO many things that are ALMOST done, that it seems that the light at the end of the tunnel is still so far off in the distance. And it seems like every time I go to complete a project, something gets in my way. Most of the time, however, it’s me getting in my own way.

For instance, the kitchen cabinets have all been put together and are ready to be hung. As we started hanging the cabinets, we realized we forgot to get refrigerator cover panels.
Also, we’ve been waiting and waiting to order our sink. It’s been out of stock for months. Finally, it was back in stock and available to order online so I placed an order with IKEA to ship the sink AND cover panels our way (even though the cost of shipping is outrageous). They came in yesterday…I accidentally only ordered ONE cover panel! How in the world could I have messed this up!! It could have something to do with ordering at midnight! UGH!!

So, I woke up this morning feeling motivated to complete one room! I thought, “The master bath would be the perfect room because it isn’t too big, and I can do most of the things in there on my own.” Knowing that things most likely will not go as planned, I still set out to finish the master bathroom this morning.

My daughter Megan came over to help build a vanity while I painted…

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Just before I got started painting, though, I noticed there was a brown spot on the floor. IT WAS MY COFFEE!!! I knocked my cup over and spilled it on unsealed white grout!! Great, just great! Now I’ll have to re-grout the stained area. But I went on with my day anyway…

Megan got almost done with one of the vanities before realizing there was a very important piece missing. I just can’t seem to get anything done 100%!!

So, now the day is finished, and I am tired, but I did get a good start on the master bath, I think.


We shall see how tomorrow goes…